
Foods for fertility – 7 foods to boost fertility

Foods For Fertility – 7 Foods To Boost Fertility

You’ve probably heard it by now: food could affect fertility. And if you’re trying to get pregnant, you might be wondering about nutrition. Here at The Fertility and Gynaecology Academy we’ve often been asked: What foods are bad for fertility? Can I get on a pregnancy diet? Tell me the foods that increase fertility in females.

What should I eat to get pregnant fast?

While there’s no straight line between food and conception, a healthy diet helps make a healthy body. And paying attention to nutrition is certainly wise if you’re trying for a baby. Here are seven foods for fertility.

1. Salmon
Salmon boasts lots of key omega-3 fatty acids, which may be helpful for fertility in women and men. It’s a very good source of vitamin D too – and studies have shown low vitamin D levels to be a risk marker for fertility issues. Salmon is also a good selenium provider, which can help with healthy function of the reproductive system in both men and women. Top tip: choose wild salmon over farmed, because it is less likely to be contaminated by mercury, antibiotics, or food dye.

2. Lentils
If you’re trying for a baby, you’re probably already buying folic acid supplements because it’s such an important nutrient for baby’s healthy development. In fact, America’s Centre for Disease Control encourages women to take in 400 micrograms of folic acid daily for at least a month before trying to get pregnant.

But while supplements are important, supplementation is just that – an add-on. It’s always wise to try to get our vitamins from food sources where we can, and lentils contain plenty of folic acid. In addition, legumes such as lentils also boast polyamine spermidine, which studies have found to be important in the reproductive process. Get those recipe books ready!

3. Kale and other antioxidant-rich foods
Studies have indicated a link between oxidative stress and male infertility. Oxidative stress is essentially when the balance in your body between free radicals and antioxidants is off kilter and too many free radicals have built up.

Dr Gorgy, Fertility Consultant at The Fertility & Gynaecology Academy explains: “While much research still needs to be done, it is thought that a diet rich in antioxidants could be helpful, because antioxidants can help protect cells from free radical damage. Antioxidants are made by your body and can be present in foods. Some foods reported to be high in antioxidants include blueberries, artichokes, kale and red cabbage.”

4. Maca
This Peruvian superfood has been shown to boost sperm count and sperm motility and it’s easy to order online or even find in some supermarkets. Maca powder has a slightly bitter taste, so you’re best off disguising it; put it in a smoothie or sprinkle it into your fruit and yogurt in the morning.

5. Greek Yogurt
Easy to incorporate into your diet as part of breakfast, Greek yogurt is full of vitamin D and calcium – two nutrients that are important for fertility function. In the words of one study, calcium is ‘essential for women’s preconception health.’ Greek yogurt is a great source because it is a quick and easy breakfast option, and you can pair it with fertility-friendly fruits such as berries, which are full of antioxidants. Happy days!

6. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are full of beta carotene, which studies have found can boost progesterone, an essential pregnancy hormone. Wonderfully versatile, sweet potatoes can be baked, fried, roasted, put into curries or even serve as a toast alternative. Yum! Cartenes are also essential for good sperm parameters to improve male fertility potential.

7. Beetroot
Beetroot is packed with nitric oxide which causes blood vessels to dilate, encouraging ‘oxygenated, nutrient-rich’ blood flow to the womb, which researchers believe may help with embryo implantation. Beetroot also boasts plenty of antioxidants and folate which are fertility-friendly. If you aren’t a big beetroot fan, try grating it onto your salad and pairing with an oily dressing.

Fertility testing if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while

Have you been trying for a baby for a while? Want to check if everything is okay? It’s a fact of nature, but time is fertility – so the sooner any problem is discovered, the better the chance of successful pregnancy.

Here at The Fertility and Gynaecology Academy, our success rates are excellent. If there is a problem, we can tell you exactly what it is and provide the finest treatment. To find out more or book a consultation call The Fertility and Gynaecology Academy now on 020 7224 1880 or email
