
Success rates

View our success rates to help you make a decision about your fertility care.

We offer not only the most advanced techniques available in assisted conception, but also personalised direct support from our specialists.

Success rates

View our success rates to help you make a decision about your fertility care.

We offer not only the most advanced techniques available in assisted conception, but also personalised direct support from our specialists.

Whilst the comparison of success rates can never be considered an exact science (due to the different patient diagnoses various clinics treat and so on), they can be a useful tool in deciding if you want to proceed further with a clinic.

Success rates

Comparing success rates

Having decided you wish to proceed with assisted conception, choosing a clinic can be a daunting prospect involving a number of different considerations, not least IVF success rates. For further guidance please refer to the HFEA’s advice on success rates.

We are particularly proud of our success rates considering that our specialism is treating complex cases of recurrent IVF failure (IVF treatment that has been repeatedly unsuccessful at other clinics).

The HFEA is the UK’s independent regulator of treatment using eggs and sperm, and of treatment and research involving human embryos.

You may also want to read the HFEA’s latest Fertility trends and figures report. This presents fertility trends and figures including the patients treated, the different treatments used and the pregnancy rates for fertility treatment cycles carried out in the UK.

Live Birth Rate

Live Birth Rate

Our Live Birth Rate per Embryo Transferred

We are particularly proud of our success rates considering that our specialism is treating complex cases of recurrent IVF failure (IVF treatment that has been repeatedly unsuccessful at other clinics).

Live Birth Rate per Embryo Transferred in under 40 year olds (2022)
0 %

Note: The UK live birth rate per embryo transferred for under 40 year olds (2021) is 27%


Live Birth Rate per Embryo Transferred (all ages) (2022)

Note: The UK live birth rate per embryo transferred for all ages (2021) is 23%

Live Birth Rate per Embryo Transferred by age group (2022)

Please note: The national average figures were last updated in June 2024 using data from the HFEA dashboard.

Live Birth Rate data

Please find below the raw data for our Live Birth Rates.

Age Live Birth Rates / ET
18-34 46%
35-37 46%
38-39 29%
40-42 13%
43-44 12%
45+ 18%
All ages 30%

Please note:
1. The figures from our clinic are from 2022 and have not yet been verified by the HFEA.
2. The quoted success rates are for the live birth rate per embryo transferred.

Success rates

Pregnancy Rate

Pregnancy Rate

Our Pregnancy Rate per Embryo Transferred

Pregnancy Rate per Embryo Transferred by age group (2022)


Pregnancy Rate per Embryo Transferred (all ages) (2022)

Note: The pregnancy rate per embryo transferred for all ages (2021) is 32%

Pregnancy Rate per Embryo Transferred in under 40 year olds (2022)
0 %

Note: The pregnancy rate per embryo transferred for under 40 year olds (2021) is 37%

Please note: The national average figures were last updated in June 2024 using data from the HFEA dashboard.

Pregnancy Rate data

Please find below our raw data for our Pregnancy Rates. 

Age Pregnancy Rate / ET
18-34  57%
35-37  58%
38-39  46%
40-42  33%
43-44  24%
45+  23%
All ages  43%

Please note:
1. The figures from our clinic are from 2022 and have not yet been verified by the HFEA.
2. The quoted success rates are for the pregnancy rate per embryo transferred.

Success rates

Get in touch today

Our consultants are leaders in their field and they will always ensure that you feel educated, comfortable and fully supported throughout your treatment with us.

Call us now on 020 7224 1880 to find out more or book a consultation.
